2023 Cebu Water Summit

Turning the Tide on Cebu's Future through Collaboration & Sustainability

27-28 March 2023 | Bai Hotel

With the support of Nature's Spring, the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers - Cebu Chapter joins forces with the University of San Carlos - Water Resources Center and the PUM Netherlands to gather all the key policy & decision makers from all sectors of Cebu to address the island's water crises. Join us and together let us overcome this challenge!

About this Summit

It is through the collaboration of all sectors that we are able to solve our water crises.

Access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene is the most basic human need. —The United Nations

Cebu's Water Security is in peril

Per latest report, Cebu has a current water supply deficit of 250 million liters a day. River systems within the Metropolitan Area have been deemed dead or extremely polluted. These are just few of the woes faced by the 3 million Cebuanos living in the island.

A reliable water resource is a human right

The United Nations places substantial weight on clean water and proper sanitation, which form part of its 17 Goals on Sustainable Development. The UN reiterates that access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well-being.

The Water Resource Value Chain of Cebu must be protected

As the largest economic center outside of the Greater Capital Region. Cebu will play a vital role in the future of the Philippines. As proud residents of this beloved island, it is our collective duty to work together in resolving this crises.

Envisioned to be the first of many summits to come, this first iteration aims to paint the big picture from the lens of every sector and voice a united call of action.

A micrososm of Cebu

About 250 delegates from all sectors will take part in the learning sessions and discourses on the 2-day summit. These include Government (Province, Cities, Regional Offices), Water Resource Stakeholders (MCWD, ulities), Private Sector (Business, Industry), Academe, and the Civic Sectors.

Thematic Plenary & Breakout Sessions

Six plenary sessions and 2 breakout sessions will enrich the understanding of the particpants on Cebu's resource value chain.

Leaders' Townhall

A forum where key policy and decision makers from all sectors having a discourse will be hosted.

Network and team up with various groups to solve the water issue.

Technical Consultations

PUM Netherlands will be providing free technical consultation support to all stakeholders present in the summit. Assistance priotizes water concerns but may expand to other key issues.


The inputs from both the resource speakers, SMEs, and delegates will form the documented synthesis of the summit.

Call to Action

By the end of the Summit, we expect concrete commitments from each sector.

Our Sponsors & Partners


Nature's Spring

Official Media Partner


Special thanks to these institutions

PIChE Cebu
Cebu City
Island Paints


This summit is co-presented by Nature's Spring and is hosted by Bai Hotel.

Our Resource & Guest Speakers

Experts, policy makers, and implementors of the water value chain will kickstart the conversation.

Eelco Boorsboom

Sector Coordinator (SC): Water & Waste Water

PUM Netherlands: A Partner for Water Resource Management

Virgilio Brigido Espeleta

PUM Netherlands Regional Representative

Multistakeholder Approach: Collaboration with USC Water Resources Center and the PUM.

Engr. Maria Nenita Juma-os

Executive Director, University of San Carlos Water Resources Center

Cebu Water Resource Value Chain

Emmanuel Espina

Corporate Planning Department, Metro Cebu Water District

Overview on Cebu's Primary Water Supply, Distribution and Sewage Treatment

Ellen Lupo

Supervising Geologist, Mines & Geosciences Bureau - Region VII

Ground Water Assessment

Ma. Christina Arellano

Economist II, National Water Resources Board

Water Resource Management Framework

Engr. Amancio Dongcoy

OIC-Regional Director, Environmental Management Bureau - Region VII

Challenges on compliance on water pollution & environmental laws

Michael Embestro

Marketing Manager, Philippine Spring Water Resources, Inc.

Sustainability & Way forward on Drinking Water Manufacturing

Engr. Tristan Abando

Assistant Regional Director, Department of Science and Technology - Region VII

Insights of the Visayas Water Summit 2022

Dr. Angelo Cabije

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of San Carlos

Meeting the Nitrogen and Phosphorus standards through Constructed Wetland Systems

Engr. Mae Tampus

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of San Carlos

Activated Sludge Systems

Engr. Glebert Dadol

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of San Carlos

Seawater Desalination via Membrane Technologies

Engr. Ricardo Fornis

Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of San Carlos

Applications of Hydrology

Souvenir Program

Download the Official Souvenir Program below.


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The Organizers

The 2023 Water Summit is brought to you by the following institutions..

Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers - Cebu Chapter

PIChE Cebu is the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) for Chemical Engineers in the island of Cebu. It is a nonstock and civic organization aiming to develop, advance, and assist in the regulation of the chemical engineering profession for nation building.

University of San Carlos - Water Resources Center

Formerly called the Hydrological Research and Training Unit (HRTU) of the University of San Carlos, the Water Resources Center (WRC) has grown to become Cebu’s leading consulting Center in hydrology, geo-hydrology and water resources planning, engineering and management

PUM Netherlands Experts

Established in 1978 by the Dutch Employers’ Association it has since supported over 45,000 entrepreneurs with financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PUM’s work is directly impacted by the global agenda as set out in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the priorities in official Dutch development cooperation


Stay tuned as we update this site for news about the Pakighimamat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We've listed down the most frequent asked questions below for your reference.

Confirmed participation for this Summit is by invitation. However, we can accomodate your particpation by reaching out to us through watersummit@cebu.piche.org.ph or through the sign up button above.

Reach out to us through watersummit@cebu.piche.org.ph or contact Kaye at +63 956 037 5275.

Summit Kit, conference materials, and meals will be included for confirmed participants.